
How Often Do Cats Get Sick?

If you’ve ever had a cat, you would have known them as one of the most loyal and loving creatures on the planet.

I mean, come on, who do you know who’s prepared for flood or fire? Not many, but cats in general are known for their survival skills.

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 Yes, that is true and admirable, but did you know that cats are also very prone to developing medical conditions owing to several factors.

There can be a lot of difference between the healthcare needs of domesticated dogs and cats.

These differences arise from physiological disparity between mammals along with their environmental background including their genetics.

how often do cats get sick?

Cats, they’re just like people! They get sick very easily. But it’s good to know how often, so you can figure out where they are getting sick from and how to prevent them from getting sick again.

Most people love cats! And many people become worried when they hear their cat is sick. There are some feline diseases that aren’t super common but can be serious.

Also read: How Long Can Cats Hold Their Breath?

How Often Do Cats Get Sick?

It’s hard to say for sure. Cats are hard to read, and they aren’t the type of pets to whine about a tummy ache or complain when they aren’t feeling well.

Still, it’s important to know if your cat is experiencing health problems, so you can help them heal faster and make them feel better.

Cats get sick. It’s an unpleasant fact, but it’s true. And if you’re a cat parent, it’s important to understand the frequency (and type of illness) to which your cat may be prone.

It depends on the cat, but it’s not uncommon for a cat to have up to five colds a year. If you notice your cat sneezing, coughing, or wheezing, they might be suffering from a cold.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the signs that your cat may be sick, as well as when you should take them to see the vet.

What Are the Symptoms of a Sick Cat?

So, as we all know, cats are one of the most mysterious creatures on Earth and their inner workings are no exception.

Cats can be very good at hiding their symptoms and pain, so if you suspect that something is wrong with your kitty, it’s probably true!

Your cat is a part of your family, it can be upsetting and heartbreaking when you notice that they are under the weather.

While cats are self sufficient, there are things you can do to keep them healthy, happy and thriving. If your cat is sick, they may have a number of symptoms that you can look out for.

When it comes to knowing what to look out for, it’s important to remember that cats can be stoic so keep an eye on these subtle signs that something might be wrong.

These symptoms can have many causes, so it’s important to take your cat for a vet visit if you notice them.

If your cat is ill, you may see some of the following symptoms

  • lethargy
  • loss of appetite
  • difficulty breathing
  • diarrhea or constipation
  • excessive thirst
  • increased urination
  • vomiting and/or coughing
  • sneezing and discharge from eyes or nose

If you notice any of those signs, schedule a vet appointment right away!

Other Symptoms May Be

  • Your cat isn’t eating or drinking
  • Cat isn’t using the litter box
  • Your cat is sleeping more than usual
  • Cat appears nervous or aggressive
  • Your cat hides or retreats from interaction with people or other pets

If you notice any of those symptoms as well, make sure to take your kitty to the vet! The sooner you get them the help they need, the better.

Also read: Can Cats Go 12 Hours Without Food?

3 Most Common Cat Illnesses

common cat illnesses

1) Upper Respiratory Infections

 These are usually viral and can spread from cat to cat. They cause symptoms like sneezing, coughing and runny eyes.

The best treatment for this type of infection is to keep your pet warm and comfortable until it passes on its own time.

Some of these viruses can last up to three weeks before clearing up completely so don’t expect immediate relief from a vet visit!

2) Diarrhea

This is another common illness that can happen at any age but tends to be more severe with kittens or older cats.

It causes loose stools or bloody feces (sometimes both). You might notice a change in your pet’s appetite and weight loss if this goes untreated long enough.

So, make sure they have access to plenty of fresh water throughout their ordeal!

3) Pancreatitis

This disease occurs when there is inflammation around the pancreas, which can lead to liver failure and death if left untreated.

The best way to prevent pancreatitis is by making sure your pet gets an annual checkup with their vet.

Cats can also get parasites such as hookworms and roundworms. They can also get bacterial infections such as feline infectious peritonitis and Bordetella bronchiseptica.

Cats can also develop tumors of the bones, skin or breast tissue. The most common type of cancer in cats is lymphoma. This afflicts middle-aged to older cats.

If your cat seems ill, have your veterinarian look at him right away to make sure he gets the proper treatment before his condition worsens.

Signs That a Cat Is Recovering from Illness

Having a sick cat is no fun. But it’s always nice to see your pet coming back to health.

If you’ve noticed your cat isn’t exactly the same cat he or she was yesterday, you’re probably noticing some changes in your kitty’s behavior.

Good news! Your furry friend is probably on the road to recovery.

A healthy cat might not want to be handled, but they should at least tolerate it. If your cat is improving from an illness, then you will probably see that they are less likely to bite and scratch.

A recovering cat will also be less hesitant about being picked up, which is usually a sign of normal behavior in a cat.

Another sign of recovery is when your cat starts spending more time with other cats and people in the home.

A sick cat may be more withdrawn than usual, so if they seem more friendly, then things are probably looking up!

It’s natural to worry when your cat isn’t showing her usual energy or doesn’t seem to be feeling well. But don’t panic! With a little patience, you can tell if she’s on the mend or if it’s time to take her to the vet.

10 signs that your cat is recovering from illness

  1. He/she is moving around more than usual.
  2. He/she has gained weight.
  3. His/her ears are perky and clean.
  4. His/her nose has stopped running and his/her eyes have stopped leaking
  5. He/she is acting less fussy in general.
  6. He/she has stopped sleeping all the time, and is eating more often
  7. His or her appetite might be returning
  8. he or she might be eating normal amounts of food and not just gobbling up anything that moves
  9. He or she may be spending more time grooming and less time hiding or chasing things around the house
  10. She’s using the litter box regularly and without any apparent discomfort

How To Treat a Sick Cat at Home

If you have a sick cat, taking him to the vet is the best way to get it feeling better. But you can also treat your cat at home.

check them over, see if you can find any signs of physical injury or obvious pain. Then take a look at their eyes and nose. Are they runny or crusty? Do they seem to be breathing strangely?

If your cat’s symptoms are more mild, it could be that they just ate something that disagreed with them. Try giving them some water mixed with white rice to see if that helps their stomach settle down

But whether your cat has a cold, is constipated, or has something more serious, you shouldn’t panic. Cats are surprisingly resilient and there are many things you can do at home that help your cat.

6 Tips on How to Treat a Sick Cat at Home

  1. Use an ear thermometer to check their body temperature
  2. Make sure they’re drinking water. Dehydration is very serious when it comes to cats and can lead to death. Make sure they have constant access to fresh, cool water.
  3. Make sure they’re eating food. If your cat isn’t eating their food for a few days, you should consider calling a vet. They could be sick or even just bored with the same old dinner!
  4. Consider giving them some medicine from your own medicine cabinet Tylenol and Aspirin are okay for cats in small doses, but always check with your vet before giving out any medication of any kind!
  5. Give them fluids with a dropper or syringe
  6. Give them medicine with a dropper or syringe

If your cat continues to seem sick after a day or so with no improvement, it’s time to call a vet and make an appointment for them to be checked out by a professional. This will help ensure that your cute kitty is back on their feet in no time!

Final Thought on ‘How Often Do Cats Get Sick’

Cats will probably remain a subject of contention for pet owners and veterinarians for the indefinite future. With that said, if you have a cat, the tips we shared above should help keep them healthy and happy. 

And that means more purring, more cuddles, and hopefully a longer life for yours. Best of luck to you and your fuzzy feline! 

However, you don’t know if the runny eyes and nose are just a minor cold or something more serious. 

That’s understandable. After all, some viruses that cats get can be transmitted to people.

If your cat gets sick often, it could be a sign of poor nutrition or that something else is wrong at home. You should talk to your vet to see what they recommend and how to deal with cat illness. 




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