
Why is Newborn Kitten Panting?

Newborn kitten panting can be confusing to owners, and it is very common and normal, especially in pet shops. Kittens are still very young and fragile when they are born.

If you have ever owned cats, you may discover that quite often, many of them don’t sweat through their skin like humans do.

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Newborn kittens cool themselves by panting, just like dogs. Kittens are born without a fully functioning set of lungs and must use their rib cage and diaphragm to help push air in and out of the body.

 Panting helps them do this, but it also helps them dissipate extra energy by getting that energy out of their lungs and into their environment as heat.

Newborn Kitten Panting

Because they have so much energy, they need to keep their body temperature low enough that they don’t overheat.

Keeping a low body temperature makes it easier for them to digest food and stay asleep, which gives them the opportunity to grow and develop as quickly as possible.

Why is My Kitten Panting with Mouth Open?

Kitten panting can be a scary thing to see, especially if your cat has never done it before. You may wonder why your kitten is panting with their mouth open and whether or not you need to take them to the vet.

 It’s also important to remember that Kittens pant for many reasons and in most cases, it’s nothing serious.

Panting is one of two ways cats cool themselves off. Panting with open mouth and tongue extended is the only option for cats when they don’t sweat through their paws like humans do.

On top, Panting increases the surface area of your kitten’s body so more heat can be released. An open mouth allows air to flow quickly through the throat where it can cool down before reaching the lungs.

Read also: Why is Mother Cat Panting While Nursing?

Newborn Kitten Gasping for Air

When you have a newborn kitten, it’s an amazing time. You’re so excited to stare at it for hours on end and watch it grow. But when your newborn kitten is gasping for air, that can be scary.

A lot of kittens have trouble breathing at first, but if yours seems to be having severe trouble getting enough air or doesn’t start breathing normally within a few hours of being born, you’ll need to take action.

First, make sure the kitten is really having trouble breathing. The mom cat may be licking the kitten’s nose or mouth to help it breathe better, which can make it look like the kitten isn’t breathing when it actually is.

If you aren’t sure whether the kitten is breathing normally or not, hold its mouth closed and see if its chest rises as it tries to breathe through its nose, if it does, then it’s breathing fine.

If the kitten is still having trouble breathing after a few hours, try gently massaging its chest with your fingers.

Some kittens have problems with fluid in their lungs called surfactant which keeps their lungs from properly inflating; massaging the chest can help clear this fluid out and get oxygen flowing through the lungs again.

Newborn Kitten Open Mouth Breathing

Newborn kitten open mouth breathing is a condition in which the cat breathes with its mouth open. The condition can be caused by several different conditions including pneumonia, congenital heart defects and infections of the respiratory tract.

Newborn Kitten Open Mouth Breathing

In order to identify the exact cause of the newborn kitten open mouth breathing, the vet will perform an examination and some diagnostic tests.

There are some cases in which these tests are not necessary, and the vet can easily determine what is wrong with your pet based on symptoms alone.

The treatment for newborn kitten open mouth breathing will vary depending on what causes it.

For example, if your pet suffers from a respiratory infection, he will be prescribed antibiotics.

If there is a foreign object blocking his airways, it will be removed by surgery.

Causes of Kitten Breathing Problems

The two most common causes of a kitten having trouble breathing are respiratory problems and heart problems.

Respiratory problems in kittens can be caused by infections like viral or bacterial pneumonia, feline calicivirus and Bordetella.

Respiratory infections can also cause other signs such as sneezing, coughing and nasal discharge. They can also be spread between cats so if any cats in your household are sick then you should keep your kitten away from them until they are better

What To Do If Your Kitten Is Having Breathing Problems

The first thing to do is to go straight to the vet for a checkup. The kitten may be having trouble breathing due to a cold or flu, or may have a heart defect, which could require medication.

In the meantime, try to keep the kitten warm and comfortable. Try to find a box with a towel and small blanket in it, and then place the kitten inside.

Put the box in a quiet room with no loud noises that might startle the kitten. Give it time to sleep, as this will help it recover from any illness.

You can also try feeding the kitten yourself using an eyedropper or syringe. If you use an eyedropper, make sure that you take off the tip so that the kitten doesn’t get choked on it.

When you feed the kitten, make sure that its head is up and that its mouth is facing up so that it doesn’t inhale any of the milk into its lungs which would cause pneumonia.

Wait until it’s done eating before putting it down again so that no milk spills out onto its fur which would make it colder.

Is It Normal for Newborn Kittens to Breathe Fast?

When you got your kitten, you certainly didn’t expect to see it breathing fast. You may have even started to panic and wonder if there’s something wrong! Well, don’t worry.

It’s actually totally normal for newborn kittens to breathe fast. Kittens are born without a sense of smell, fine motor skills, or even the ability to regulate their own body temperature.

So, it’s only natural that they would breathe faster while they’re just starting to get used to the world.

If you’re concerned about your kitten’s breathing patterns, one thing to do is look at the kitten’s chest and abdomen.

If you can see the chest move more than the abdomen, this means that your kitten is having trouble filling its lungs with air.

This is a cause for concern and could be an indicator of pneumonia. Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria or viruses and needs to be treated by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Kittens breathe fast for other reasons as well! One reason is stress. If your cat feels threatened or stressed by something in its environment, it could start breathing fast. Another reason cats breathe fast is because they’re hot

Newborn Kitten Hissing

When your kitten hisses, it’s a sign that he feels afraid and threatened. A hiss often accompanies a back arch, and sometimes the tail will puff up as well.

Some kittens will even spit at an object that frightens them. This behavior is normal for all young cats, including domestic cats, wildcats and feral kittens.

A newborn kitten’s basic instincts are to find food, shelter and companionship in that order. However, just because these instincts exist doesn’t mean that they’re easy to satisfy.

A newborn kitten who has been separated from its mother lacks a warm body to snuggle with so that she can feel safe and secure, which is why the kitten will hiss in response to feeling scared or vulnerable.

What to Do When Your Newborn Kitten Is Hissing and Scared

A newborn kitten hissing is not in your control. It’s just a natural reaction to being scared. Your job as the owner is to try and help the kitten feel safe and secure.

Creating a safe and quiet place for the kitten can help him adjust to his new surroundings. If you have more than one kitten, it’s best if you keep them with each other since kittens love company.

Signs That Kitten Is Scared

There are many reasons a kitten can be scared, and many signs that you can look for. The first sign to look for is if the kitten is hiding in a closet or under the bed.

A frightened kitten may also hiss or growl when you try to touch it. Another sign is if it does not come out to eat or drink water. If a kitten is scared, it may pace back and forth or continuously meow out of fear.

The first thing that you should do if you find a kitten that is scared is to give it plenty of time to adjust to its new surroundings.

Allow the kitten the time that it needs so that it can get used to your presence and eventually trust you enough so that you can pick it up and pet it.

8 common signs that kitten is scared
  1. Hissing and making other noises
  2. Dilated pupils
  3. Yawning
  4. Tense body posture
  5. hey run and hide.
  6. They stay very still and hope you won’t notice them.
  7. Their ears flatten against their body.
  8. They show the whites of their eyes

If you notice your cat is scared, it’s important to understand why they’re frightened and what you can do to help them. Cats have a number of different body language signs that indicate if they are afraid or stressed.

According to VetStreet, cats who experience sudden stress can become disoriented and confused, which can sometimes result in urinating outside of the litter box, in medical terms this is called idiopathic cystitis.

What to do if your kitten is scared

When you first bring your new kitten home, she may be shy and scared. This is perfectly normal! To help her feel more secure and comfortable in her new home

  • Provide a room with all of the necessities where she can stay while she adjusts.
  • Make sure she has a warm, soft place to sleep.
  • Leave everything as is for several days; don’t move things around or rearrange furniture.
  • Keep other pets away from her until she feels comfortable enough to socialize.
  • Talk to her softly in a gentle voice so she becomes familiar with your voice.
  • Allow her to come out and explore on her own time.

Read also: Can Cats Give Birth Days Apart?

Newborn Kitten Sneezing

The most common cause of sneezing in kittens is an upper respiratory infection caused by the feline herpesvirus or FHV.

The virus is very contagious, but it can affect kittens differently. Some may experience mild symptoms such as sneezing and runny nose.

new kitten sneezing

While others will develop severe symptoms such as a high fever, lack of appetite, lethargy, and in some cases death.

Treatment for FHV depends on the severity of clinical signs and may include antibiotics and/or antiviral medications.

If your kitten is not eating on her own, fluid therapy may be needed to prevent dehydration. Kittens with severe infections may require hospitalization for treatment with intravenous fluids and injectable medications.

The best way to prevent FHV is to keep kittens away from other cats until they are vaccinated at around 8 to 9 weeks of age.

Some vaccines are available earlier than this age, but they do not provide complete protection against the virus until after 9 weeks old.


There are many causes of panting in cats and newborn kittens.

In newborn kittens, which haven’t learned to control their body temperature, panting is a way for the kitten to stay warm and regulate their blood flow and oxygen levels.

 The kitten may be trying to encourage you to put it somewhere warmer. Try taking the kitten to a warmer room, such as a bathroom or near a heater.

Kittens are fragile creatures. In fact, the most dangerous time for a kitten is in their first week of life. The birth mother typically takes care of these issues well within the first few days.

She’ll even move the kittens to a new nest if they get cold, but when they’re out of her care, it’s up to humans to make sure that they’re warm and safe.

Assuming that you have a heat source going or your kitten is in a room where the temperature stays reasonably warm.

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