
Why Does My Cat Pee on My Baby’s Things?

Cats are playful animals, which is why we love them so much. They’re also mysterious, and there’s still a lot of things about them that we don’t understand. One thing that baffles cat owners is the question: why do cats pee on baby’s things?

Cat peeing on baby’s things is a common problem for new parents. It can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to keep your baby’s stuff clean and safe.

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Cats are territorial animals, so they pee on things that they feel belong to them. When cats feel threatened or anxious, they will often mark their territory with urine.

why do Cata Peei on Baby's Things?

Cats are also very curious. So, if you have a baby in the house, your cat might be curious about the baby’s smell. Becuse of that she may try to mark the baby’s things with its urine as part of that curiosity.

Read also: How to deal with cat peeing on stove

Ways You Can Keep Your Cat from Peeing on Your Baby’s Things:

Keep your cat out of the room where you keep your baby’s things. You can use a baby gate or set up an enclosure made from cardboard boxes or other materials that cats can’t climb.

If you have other pets at home (like dogs), make sure they’re separated from the cat, so they won’t get into fights over territory.

Clean up any accidents right away so they don’t attract more cats! The best way to do this is with an enzyme cleaner like Nature’s Miracle that breaks down the proteins in urine and other organic matter. So that it doesn’t smell anymore to attract other cats to fight for territory.

Make sure there aren’t any other smells around the baby’s things that could be attracting felines. Things like food can be the reason felines want to hang around baby stuff.

Is My Cat Stressed by New Baby?

Cats are territorial animals and they do not like change. They are used to the routine in your home. So, when you bring home a new baby, it can be stressing for them.

When a new baby comes home, their sense of smell gets bombarded with all sorts of new smells from your baby’s body, clothing, and everything else that comes in contact with the baby.

Another reason why cats might not like having a new baby around is because they feel like they are being replaced by someone else who needs more attention than they do.

Cats are naturally very independent creatures who don’t need much attention from people. But when there is someone else who needs more attention than them. They tend to act up.

Cats are also very sensitive to change and will often react negatively when there is an unfamiliar smell or sound in their environment.

The best way to help your cat adapt is to spend extra time with her before bringing baby home. Let her get used to the idea of having another family member in the house. You can help by taking her on walks together and playing with her more often. You can also make sure she has plenty of places she can go where she feels safe and secure (like under the bed) so that she doesn’t feel crowded out by your new bundle of joy!

Cat Spraying New Baby

When a cat sprays, it’s a way for them to mark territory and make sure other animals know who owns what.

It’s also a way for cats to communicate with each other, especially when they’re angry or stressed out. When you get a new baby in the house, it can be really stressful for your cat.

They might even start spraying because they don’t feel like they have enough space in their home anymore!

A cat’s natural instinct is to claim the space as their own by urinating on it or by spraying their scent on it.

When you bring a new baby into the home, your cat may be feeling threatened and wants to let everyone know that this is his space.

To help prevent this behavior, make sure you are giving your cat plenty of attention and love throughout your pregnancy and after the new baby arrives.

If possible, keep them away from areas where people will be spending time with the baby (like bedrooms) until they feel more secure in their role as part of the family again.

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What to Do if Your Cat Peed in Baby Car Seat

We all know that cats can be a bit of a handful. And sometimes even if you love your cat, you might not be so thrilled with their pee-related antics.

There are a few different ways you can go about getting rid of cat pee in your baby car seat.

Start by washing the car seat with warm soapy water and a soft cloth.

Try using a product which contains enzymes that break down organic material including urine and feces. The active ingredient in the product should be sodium percarbonate, a non-toxic substance that works by releasing oxygen radicals into its surroundings.

Which then react chemically with organic matter like urine and feces. The result? A clean, sanitized surface free from any traces of urine and bacteria.

Once the cat pee has been removed from the fabric. wash your baby’s car seat with regular laundry detergent and hot water. Don’t forget about those straps, they tend to hold onto odors!

If there’s any lingering odor left behind (and sometimes there will be), try using a vinegar solution on the spot as well. Just make sure it’s completely dry before putting your baby in again!

What Should You Do If Your Cat Peed in Bassinet?

If your cat peed in your baby’s bassinet, its recommended to wash the fabric with warm water and a mild detergent.

You should also wash the mattress pad, if you have one, as well as any removable parts of the bassinet.

After washing, air dry the items in a sunny spot outside (if weather permits) or lay them out to dry on some clean towels indoors. Once they’re dry, you can put them back in their normal location in your nursery.

Once you’ve cleaned off as much of the urine as possible, let it dry completely before putting your baby back in the bassinet again.

If there are still some spots that need more attention after drying, use an enzymatic cleaner.

How Do I Keep My Cat Off My Baby Stuff?

You could try putting the baby’s things up high on shelves or tables where they won’t be easy for the cat to reach.

Or put them behind closed doors or in closets with latches on them so your cat can’t get at them when you’re not around.

Don’t leave baby stuff out. If you have to leave something out, put it in a drawer or box and close the door.

Why Does My Cat Pee on Certain Things?

Cats normally pee on things for territorial behavior and dominance. When a cat urinates on something, it’s a way of saying “this is mine.”

Your cat could be marking your laundry basket because it smells like you, so he wants to make sure that no other animals come into your house and steal his favorite spot in the laundry room.

In addition, male cats may urinate on fabric to mark their territory as well as attract females. If there’s more than one male cat in the house and they’re trying to show off their prowess.

They might urinate on your favorite pair of shoes or blanket so they can be recognized by any female who might cross paths with them later on down the road.

Why Does My Cat Pee in My Child’s Bed?

The reason could be that the smell of urine from other cats has been left behind on the sheets. This can cause your cat to mark the bed as hers since it smells like another cat has been there before her.

If this is the case, you should wash your child’s sheets regularly so that there isn’t any old urine odor left behind for your pet feline friend to react negatively to.

However, if you’ve had your cat for many years and this behavior has just started recently, it could be that she feels threatened by someone in the house.

Such as your child and feels the need to claim her territory again by marking it with her scent. In this case, it might be worth talking with an animal behaviorist or a vet about ways to calm her down around other people in your home.

Read Also: New Cat Hasn’t Used Litter Box Yet: When to Be Concerned!

Is Cat Pee Dangerous for Babies?

Cat urine can be dangerous for babies, especially if it’s concentrated.

Cat pee can cause a number of health problems for babies and children, including eye irritation and skin problems.

If you’ve ever been around a cat that peed, you know how strong the smell is. It’s even worse when there’s a lot of it. If your baby comes in contact with cat pee, clean her as soon as you    can.

According to the Mayo Clinic, cat urine can also cause a skin rash in infants and young children.

Urine from male cats has been found to contain a chemical called felinine, which can be harmful.

Cat urine is toxic because it contains chemicals called pheromones that cats use to mark their territory.

You’ll also need to make sure that your cat’s litter box is always clean and free of any waste materials.

Does Feliway Work for Stressed Cats?

Yes, it does reduce the levels of stress in cats and helps them calm down. Feliway is a synthetic copy of the feline facial pheromone, which cats use to mark their territory and communicate with each other.

When used in the home, it helps to reduce or prevent stress caused by things like moving or introducing new pets or people.

Feliway works because it mimics the pheromones that cats produce naturally. And they’re not just for marking territory, they also help cats feel calm and secure in their environment.

When you introduce a new pet or person into your cat’s life, she might feel stressed out. Thats because she’s unsure how they’ll fit in with her routine and lifestyle.

By using Feliway, you can help reassure your cat that everything is okay and encourage her to act more relaxed around new additions.


We have seen why a cat might decide to urinate on baby things? According to the experts it could be attributed to a number of reasons.

Some cat behaviorists suggest that the cat may be marking its territory and the baby’s things are likely to smell like the owner.

Another indication is that they actually do not mean any harm, they just could not find another spot (meaning the litter box).

Cat behavior can be complex, especially when it comes to the rank order. Even in a single household with no other cats around, your cat may display different behaviors at different times.

Fortunately, there are tons of easy ways to prevent pets from urinating inappropriately, which will ensure that your precious baby doesn’t need to pick up any unwanted odors.

Just make sure to keep watch on baby stuff and keep them out of reach of cats by all means. Such behavior can go on for as long as possible because cats are always trying to mark their territory by urinating on baby’s things.

They also do this to attract a mate if there are other cats in the house.

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