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How To Stop Cat from Climbing on TV?

Want to learn how to stop your cat from climbing on TV?

As every cat owner knows, you’re never really off duty. That’s what I love about being a cat owner!

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These adorable and silly kittens provide plenty of entertainment throughout the day. However, it can be tricky to know how to stop your cat from climbing on tv.

Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to make sure that your feline friend leaves your TV alone.

By far the most effective method is to get a cat tree and place it in front of the TV. This will give the cat something else to climb on that’s more fun than just sitting up on top of the TV.

However, if this isn’t possible because of space or budget constraints, there are still other methods that you can use.

Another option is to cover the top of your TV with tinfoil, or some other material that cats don’t like. This can be an effective deterrent because it makes your TV an unpleasant place for them to sit or walk on.

If you want something that’s less permanent, try spraying your cat with water whenever they go near the TV.

Cats don’t like water, so this is usually enough to scare them away from whatever they were doing at the time and teach them not to go back again later on.

Also read: New Cat Won’t Leave Room [Solutions]

How to Train Your Cat Not To climb The TV

How To Stop Cat from Climbing on TV?
  • Determine what it is that your cat finds attractive about climbing the TV. Is it the height? The proximity to a window or its favorite sleeping area?
  • Redirect your cat’s attention. You can do this by enticing it with treats, toys, or anything else that you know will interest your cat.

This may need to be done repeatedly for a period of several days or until your cat no longer seems interested in climbing the TV.

  • Reward your cat for good behavior! If you notice it sitting somewhere nearby and not going anywhere near the TV, give it a treat and lots of praise!

Your cat will soon catch on that avoiding the TV means good things happen (praise, attention from you) but climbing on it does not (you redirect his attention).

  • Use a deterrent like aluminum foil to cover areas where he tends to climb. It discourages them because they don’t like how it feels under their feet and paws.

1)       Invest in a cat tree

Investing in a cat tree for your home is always a good idea, regardless of whether or not your cat is climbing the TV. These structures allow cats to exert some of their natural desire to climb in a safe way.

That is, without causing damage to your furniture. If you can afford it, consider buying an extra-tall cat tree that allows kitty to climb as high as he wants.

 This will help take the “appeal” away from the TV and other places where he’d be able to reach new heights if allowed.

As an added bonus, the cat tree can serve as a training tool for discouraging unwanted behavior (such as climbing on furniture).

When you notice kitty trying out his acrobatic skills on the TV, immediately lure him over and encourage him to go up his new structure instead using toys and treats.

While cats are naturally curious creatures that love exploring every nook and cranny of your home, they’re also smart enough to learn what’s acceptable and what isn’t.

2)       Use sticky tape

  • You can cover cords with sticky tape, which will keep your pet from climbing or chewing on them.
  • Cats do not like the feeling of adhesive.
  • Once your furry friend loses interest in those cords, you can remove the tape and save it for the next time they get curious!

3)      Use positive reinforcement

The third method is positive reinforcement. This is where you give your cat treats when she performs a desired action. For example, you could give her a treat every time she uses the cat tree instead of the TV.

Or you could reward her for not jumping on the TV (which is harder to do, but it can be done). So if she’s in the living room with the TV and there’s no one around to block her access, watch to see if she goes anywhere near it.

If not, give her a treat!

As an added bonus, this will also allow you to reinforce other behaviors that might occur while your cat is in that part of the house.

For example, if you’re trying to train her not to chew on cords or wires or jump onto kitchen counters, positive reinforcement can be useful there as well, because it allows you to begin associating “good things” with those areas of the house.

Read also: Can A Cat Jump from The Second Floor?

Why Is My Cat Obsessed with The Tv?

why is my cat obsessed with the tv?

This is a complicated question that does not have a definitive answer. There are some things we can say for sure, though. Some cats love to climb on top of furniture.

This behavior may be cute and even fun at first but can become a nuisance if you have a cat who loves to sit on your television or computer monitor.

  1. TVs are usually placed high up on walls

For most cats, this is an enticing spot because it’s not often that they get to sit above the people they love. It makes them feel good to be above their humans, and it’s also a great place to sit and monitor their human’s activities.

  • Most TVs show moving images

Cats love moving things because they’re fun to bat at! They like to swat at whatever moves across the screen, but it can be hard to do if a cat is lying down on the ground. They need to stand up in order to reach the TV properly.

  • The noises coming from the TV can be confusing or interesting for cats

Cats use their ears almost as much as their eyes when exploring their environment, so sounds from the TV are likely catching your cat’s attention and making her want to investigate further.

  • It’s possible that your cat is just curious about what you like so much about the TV

If your cat notices you are watching it regularly, she may want to join in on the fun by sitting on top of it and seeing what all the hubbub is about

What Age Do Cats Stop Jumping?

As a cat owner, you’re watching your cat as it gets older and you wonder, “what age do cats stop jumping?” The answer is multifaceted. First, let’s take a look at what causes a cat to jump.

The age at which cats stop jumping varies, but usually a cat will stop jumping between ages 3 and 7. The most common reason for a cat to stop jumping is that they are too old.

They also might have arthritis or some other joint problem. When a cat suffers from arthritis in their hips, knees, or back, they will typically stop jumping as a response to the pain that jumping causes them.

Also, if they are pregnant or have been injured, they may not jump as much.

Why Do Cats Jump?

Cats are predators by nature. They are extremely agile and have the ability to jump from one spot and land on their feet.

They use this ability when hunting because they can quickly get away from prey or get closer for the kill. In the wild, jumping is their way of staying safe. Your household cat uses jumping for playtime, too.

They might jump around the house and chase each other, playing with toys or running up your curtains. Your indoor kitty may also be using their jumping skills to chase bugs or mice in your home.

Read also: Why Does My Cat Sit in Front of The Heater?

How To Stop Cat from Jumping on Counter

Stopping your cat from jumping on counters might seem like a big order, but it’s not. Cats jump on counters for many reasons.

They’re curious about what’s up there, they want to be near you. Cats are social creatures, and they might even think they own the whole house.

Cats are also attracted to counters because they provide an elevated perch from which to survey the room.

If you want to keep your cat off of your counters, consider providing another elevated perch for her to use instead. Cat trees and similar items can work well for this purpose.

Whatever their motives, there are some things you can do to get them to stop. Here are three tips to help you.

Don’t Leave Things Out

Your cat is curious by nature, so if you leave something out, they’ll want to check it out. This is especially true of food items.

If you leave food out that smells good enough, your cat will be tempted to jump up on the counter to get it.

This also applies to other objects that cats find interesting, like stuffed animals and plush toys. If you leave these things on your counter. Especially when you’re not home, your cat will try to jump up there just to investigate.

Place Double-Sided Tape or Aluminum Foil Down

Cats dislike its crinkly texture, so this can be an effective way to make that section of counter less tempting for a curious feline.

You can also try putting double-sided tape on the countertop, cats dislike walking on sticky surfaces. So, they will be less likely to jump up there if they find it uncomfortable.

Use Positive Punishment

In order to train your cat not to jump on the counter. This means that you will have to catch her in the act and then immediately administer a consequence such as squirting her with water.

A common mistake many people make is to yell at the cat when they catch them jumping up on the counter or table.

This approach does not work and in fact, it can reinforce bad behavior because it shows the cat that if they do this behavior, you will appear and play with them.

How To Keep Cats Off High Places?

Cats love to climb. They like to perch on things so they can survey their territory, and they also enjoy sleeping in high places where they feel safe and secure.

But if your cat has a habit of climbing up onto your kitchen counters, the top of your refrigerator, or worse yet, the edge of your roof, it can be a real headache.

Luckily, there are several ways to keep cats off high places and discourage them from climbing to spots that are dangerous or inconvenient.

Use these tips and tricks:

Here’s how you can keep your kitty off of high places:

1. Buy a scratching post: A scratching post will provide your cat with an alternate location to scratch other than the high places they’re currently climbing up on.

 Cats are naturally inclined to want to scratch things, so providing them with an outlet for this will help them stay off of high places.

2. Scatter aluminum foil: Cats don’t like the sound of aluminum foil being crinkled. Similarly, they don’t like the feel of it underneath their paws.

That makes it an easy way to keep them off of high surfaces without actually having to do much work yourself! Just lay down some aluminum foil and watch as your cat steers clear of those hard-to-reach areas.

3. Use tape: This might sound silly, but it works! Cats are usually deterred from jumping on high places when there is tape covering them because tape sticks to their paw hairs


Don’t let your cats climb on top of the tv any longer. It is important to train them as soon as possible. Cats that are trained early never seem to have a problem with climbing once they have learned that it is not acceptable.

 They appear to understand that you do not approve and will not climb again.

However, with enough persistence, we feel that anyone can stop their cat from climbing on their tv. Just remember not to give up on your cat, as that is most likely what they are doing on your television.

Last but not least, you have to be willing to physically stop your cat from going near or onto the TV stand. This means if they jump up, you have to be there to catch them physically before they make it all

the way up there. This is difficult because often times when the cat jumps, you don’t see it until it’s too late.




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