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New Cat Won’t Leave Room [Solutions]

If your new cat won’t leave room, there may be a few reasons for this. Cats are very sensitive to changes in their environment, so if something has changed in the environment, that could be the reason.

 Cats also tend to be creatures of habit, and if something has upset the balance of their routines, it can take a while for them to adapt.

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If it’s not due to a change in the environment, then your cat could just be experiencing anxiety about something unrelated to its surroundings.  Let’s look at some of these issues;

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Why Your New Cat Won’t Leave Room?

new cat wont leave room

1.      A new cat may feel safe inside an enclosed space.

Similar to dogs, cats also have a particular “safe spot” where they like to retreat.

 If your pet cat is not going out and exploring the house enough or is hiding behind furniture in a room, then she might be feeling anxious or scared.

This can happen when another animal comes into her territory, and/or if there are visitors at your home.

  • Cats also like being able to see outside of windows. If you set up a safe area for your cat outside with lots of things you think she’ll enjoy, this can encourage her to go out!
  • If all else fails and you’re still unsure why your cat isn’t exploring the rest of the house, try placing some toys around other rooms so that she has something fun to play with when she gets bored!

 You may also want to consider setting up a second litter box in other parts of the house just in case one spot becomes too crowded for her.”

2.      Once a cat knows where their food is, they’ll probably stay in that room.

This is very common; once a cat knows where their food is, they’ll probably stay in that room. If you want to change things up, the best way is to slowly transition the food somewhere else.

Do it over days if not weeks, preferably moving the food in small increments each time. Obviously moving it across rooms or into another part of the house will be more difficult, but still doable.

Cats are very smart and will figure it out very quickly. It may take a little time/patience on your part but they should adapt quickly as long as you’re consistent with where you put their food.

3.      Cats are very territorial and protective of their space.

While some cats may integrate seamlessly with their new surroundings, others may be more reluctant to do so.

Luckily, there are several things you can do to help your cat feel comfortable in his or her new environment:

  • Spend quality time with your cat every day, so that he or she knows that you are a safe presence in the home
  • Give your cat plenty of food and water at all times so that he or she knows there is no need to worry about sustenance
  • If possible, provide a place for your cat to retreat when feeling stressed (an out-of-the-way cabinet or closet)

4.      Your cat could be a little bit stressed from the move.

Moving is a big change for everyone involved, including your cat.

 A disrupted routine or unfamiliar environment can be stressful to any animal, and the stress response can be harmful to your cat if it goes on for a long time.

 If you’re worried your cat has been stressed for too long, take him or her to the vet for an exam.

5.      If your new cat is in a separate room from the rest of the house, she’s probably trying to avoid conflict with the other pets

Many cats are territorial, but they may not have the same level of competition with other cats depending on their relationship.

 Cats that are introduced slowly and kept separate from each other can eventually become comfortable with each other. In this way, the cat in a separate room is trying to avoid conflict with your other pets.

6.      Try to let your cat explore the rest of the house by themselves rather than forcing them out of their comfort zone.

Once you’ve determined that your cat is healthy and in good spirits, it’s time to let them explore the rest of the house.

The goal here is to make your home seem like a safe and familiar place, one where they can roam freely without fear or anxiety.

This doesn’t mean that you should try to force your cat out of their comfort zone by physically removing them from their room or taking them on “adventure tours” around the house.

 Doing so will only serve to stress them out. Instead, give them plenty of opportunities at their own pace.

You’ll need patience for this part, it may take several days or weeks before your kitty feels comfortable enough to venture into other rooms.

But eventually they’ll begin exploring on their own terms with no help needed from you!

Also read: Can A Cat Jump from The Second Floor?

Why Is My New Cat Staying in One Spot?

Why is my new cat staying in one spot

If your cat is hiding under the bed, in a closet, or any other single spot, you may need to take some steps to make your home more inviting.

Purchase scratching posts, toys, and beds for your cat. Help them explore their new home. Try playing with dangly toys or laser pointers to coax them out of their hiding spot.

Once you have established a routine and earned their trust, they will start to relax.

Your cat is probably hiding because it is scared and feels insecure in its new environment. It may be afraid of the people in your household or of other pets such as dogs.

Cats are also very sensitive to changes in their environment, and this can make them feel scared and hide from you. When you bring a new cat home try not to overwhelm it by introducing it to everyone at once.

 You can try leaving it alone for a couple days so that it has time to settle in and get used to its surroundings before you start playing with it and giving it lots of attention.

 If there are other pets such as dogs living with you then keep them away from your new pet. Wait until they both start getting used to each other’s smell or presence around the house.

This could take about two weeks or so depending on how well trained your dog is.

How To Get A Cat To Leave A Room

Getting a cat to leave a room is not typically very hard. You just need to find something it likes to do more than hanging out in the room.

But if you’re having trouble, you can use one or more of these techniques:

  1. Make the room less appealing

If you just want to discourage the cat from going into the room, make the room less inviting.

 Put double-sided tape on surfaces where it likes to sit, put foil or some other uncomfortable material on seats and surfaces where it might like to lie down.

 Make sure also that it has no food or toys in the room that would attract its attention.

  • Make another room more appealing

 If you want to get the cat out of one particular room, make another room more appealing by putting treats and toys in there. It may be that your cat is bored and just doesn’t have anything better to do than hang out in this particular room.

  • Involve Another Person

 There are so many fun games you can play with two people and a cat!

The goal is for each person to try to lure the cat back and forth between them by tempting it.

Read Also: Do Cats Learn From Their Mistakes?

Is It Ok to Keep a Cat in One Room?

Yes, it is, but only if you take the right steps.

Is it k to keep a cat in one room?

For example, you need to make sure that the room you are keeping your cat in is a safe and comfortable environment for her.

 Is she scared of too much space? Does she get anxious in small spaces? These things can cause problems for both you and your cat.

In addition, you will want to make sure that your cat gets enough exercise while in her room. She should be able to move around and get some fresh air from time to time.

 You may consider taking her on walks or playing with toys regularly so she can interact with other animals or people outside of the house.

Finally, make sure that there is enough food for when she gets hungry!

Cats are naturally social creatures so make sure there are plenty of toys available for playtime as well as food bowls filled with kibble (not dry kibble) available at all times.

How To Socialize A Skittish Cat

Socializing a skittish cat can be difficult, but it is definitely not impossible!

It could take anywhere from a few days to several weeks or even months to get your cat used to being around people and other cats, but it will all be worth it in the end.

Here are some tips on how to socialize your skittish cat:

1. First and foremost, spend some time getting used to your cat’s presence.

Try to sit still in front of him/her for five minutes at a time until they become familiar with you. Do not try petting or holding them until they are ready.

2. Introduce yourself slowly at first by talking softly so that he/she does not become frightened when you approach.

3. If your cat does not make eye contact with you during this time, give them space for now by leaving the room or going into another area of the house where there will be less noise and activity around them.

4. Play with toys that are safe for cats such as balls or feather wands: this will help keep them occupied while you’re away from home!

5. Once they feel comfortable being near you again, begin petting

Question from one of our readers

A cat won’t leave my room, how can I make it sleep in her bed?

I recently moved into an apartment with two roommates. I have my own room and bathroom, which is great, but one of my roommates’ cats has decided that she wants to spend all her time in my room.

My roommate says the cat does this with everyone who lives there, and that it’s just because she likes me a lot.

It’s not really a problem, but I’m wondering what I can do to get her to sleep in her bed at night instead of mine? Any ideas?


The roving roomie is a common problem. Cats tend to pick one bedroom in a multi-cat household (or multiple bedrooms) as their own, and they often rotate between them

In single-cat households, they may do the same thing, but it’s just all the rooms in the house.

There are several possible reasons why they do this. Cats may prefer certain sleeping areas based on temperature.

They also like an elevated place out of the way of foot traffic where they feel safe.

 If you live with other people, cats may be stimulated by their presence especially if those people are family members who are rarely home during the day or on vacation for long stretches at a time.

Final Thought

Cats are, in many ways, notorious creatures. They have very specific tastes and quirks that we don’t always understand. That said, if your new cat won’t leave room, you may want to see about the potential causes.

 Getting your cat to leave the room may be as simple as opening the door, but it’s also possible that something else is going on.

Either way, it’s probably worth taking a look into what might be causing this behavior.




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