
Simple Tips on How to Calm Down Your Hyper Cat

Having a cat is always exciting, but nothing befuddles cat owners more than a hyperactive cat. One minute they are sleeping on the sofa, looking cute.

Then suddenly, they are zooming around the house like a crazy thing, bouncing off furniture and often knocking things over.

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Any other pets in the house will be sitting with a look of complete confusion on their faces – what set the cat off?

The truth is that a hyper cat is often perfectly normal, but there are things you can do to calm down your hyper cat and spot if it is something more than just a natural mad period they are experiencing.

Why Do Cats Get Hyper at Certain Times of the Day?

To deal with a hyper cat, it is worth understanding why at certain times of the day, cats of all ages seem to go a little crazy.

There are a few reasons, and it can be slightly different for young and adult cats.

Cats have to hunt around 40 times a day to survive in the wild, but life is a lot easier in captivity.

Their meals are served regularly, and there’s no hunting needed to eat a tin of cat food!

But this can lead to pent-up energy that would typically have been used by your feline friend to hunt.

The result can be the urge to get rid of that excess energy, leading to a hyperactive spell.

If the cat has been asleep a lot in a day, this can also lead to excess energy levels and the need to run around in a random manner for a bit.

A hyper kitten is most commonly due to this – all that sleep has led to them waking in the middle of the night with the need to run around their new home as quickly as possible.

How to Calm Down a Hyper Cat

Sometimes the best thing to do with a hyperactive cat is to watch and let your furry friend run off their energy.

But there are steps you can take to help offset the crazy urge, and this starts with a hyperactive kitten and continues into life as an older cat.

Have Daytime Play Sessions

Being pet parents can be a lot like being human parents. One example is organizing a play session with your cat to help them burn off some of its energy.

Bored cats experiencing a mad half hour have tremendous potential to wreck the house, but playful cats with structured things to play with can release that energy in a safe space with you in some degree of control.

Don’t just give them toys and expect them to play, especially as younger cats.

Take a little time to play with them, as this teaches them what to do and also ensures that you have some control over where they play and how they play.

Interactive toys such as a fishing line with a toy mouse at the end or a laser pointer are ideal for these sessions.

Give Them Food Before Bedtime

It is natural for cats to sleep after a big meal, so you can move their main meal to just before bedtime.

This reduces the chance that they will have a hyper session after you have gone to bed. Cats are nocturnal animals, so it is common for them to be active during the night.

A good feed before bedtime is a great way to offset this natural habit and reduce the chance of a high-speed game of chase at 2 am.

Take Indoors Cats for a Walk

Indoor cats are more likely to have a mad session because they don’t leave the house. But to help deal with this, you can take your cat for a walk and let them get some fresh air and exercise.

You need to start doing this from a young age to get the cat used to having a harness on, but if you do this, you can get exercise for both of you and help avoid cat obesity, which can be a common problem for indoor cats.

Have More than One Cat

Sometimes introducing new kittens to senior cats can work, but other times, it can lead to aggressive behavior and other problems.

While this isn’t the solution for everyone, having more than one cat can help with hyperactive behavior because the cats can play with each other.

It is a good idea to get both new cats simultaneously so they can become great friends.

Give Them Space to Run It Off

It is essential to understand that most of the time, being hyper isn’t a sign of health problems or behavioral issues but simply a natural spell where you have a hyperactive kitty.

It is important not to tell them off for their bursts of energy but instead create a safe environment where they can go bonkers without wrecking the family china.

Cats are often more sensitive when having a burst of energy, so your body language and tone of voice are important.

Give them some space, stay positive, and keep an eye open to ensure they don’t hurt themselves.

Cat Psychology: Don’t Give in to Bad Tempers

Another vital part of dealing with a hyper cat is understanding a little about cat psychology. Don’t fall into the trap of letting the cat dictate everything and simply going along with it.

If your cat starts to have a lot of energy at the same time each day, but this causes you problems with other commitments, feel free to drop everything to spend time with them.

You can use cat toys, have cat trees, or scratching posts that they can use to deal with their energy levels without you being involved.

Then make some time later in the day that works for you and encourage them to play. Puzzle toys such as food puzzles can be an excellent idea for this kind of time.

When Does Hyperactivity Become a Problem?

There can be situations where a simple hyper cat is something more, and it becomes a problem that needs professional help.

Normal hyper behavior will be worst when they are kittens and settle down as they get older, but they will still have periods when their energy levels are high, and they go a little crazy for a bit.

However, there are a few signs to watch for that the problem could be something a little more:

  • The cat wakes up at a regular time and then becomes hyper some while later
  • The cat spends a lot of time hiding, which can mean they feel unsafe
  • Twitching the end of the tail is a potential sign of stress
  • Marking their territory by urinating outside the litter box

Hyperactivity can be one of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, a condition where an overactive thyroid gland leads to energy level issues.

It can also be connected with increased appetite, weight loss, excessive thirst, diarrhea, and vomiting.

If you notice any of these signs alongside hyperactivity, take your cat to a vet as soon as possible to have them checked.

Final Thoughts On Managing a Hyper Cat

Hyper sessions can be a bit stressful if you have a larger cat breed!

But most of the time, watching them run around can be pretty amusing, and you can enjoy fun play sessions while they have extra energy.

Learn the signs that it may be something more to ensure your cat remains playful and healthy for the longest time.

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