
Why Kitten Will Not Leave Older Cat Alone?

Kittens are too young and all about exploring their environment. They are filled with so much energy to play around as well as jump up and down.

And sometimes they just want to play with other cats especially older ones. As far as this is cute. It gets somehow intense when the older cat starts to feel insecure and irritated. Older cats like to maintain their space and freedom.

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The best way to make a kitten leave an older cat alone is to make sure that it has plenty of toys and activities to occupy his attention whenever he isn’t eating, sleeping or using the litter box.

Kitten Will Not Leave Older Cat Alone

Kittens are very curious by nature and will often try to follow the older cat around. This is a normal behavior. But it can be problematic if your older cat is not tolerant of the kitten’s presence.

The kitten may become aggressive toward the older cat, and this will only cause problems for all involved.

If you have another cat in the home, then give him some time alone with his litter mates so you can keep an eye on them at all times.

This way, you’ll see if there are any signs of aggression between them before it becomes too serious. If the kittens start fighting with each other over food or toys, then separate them immediately until they calm down.

Read also: Can A Cat Suffocate a Newborn Kitten?

Why Is My Kitten Obsessed with My Older Cat?

If you have a kitten, you’ve probably noticed that it spends a lot of time with your older cat. This is normal. 

It’s actually quite common for kittens to be obsessed with older cats. In fact, kittens will often become obsessed with the older pets in the house because they are looking for guidance and protection.

Hopefully, this obsession will pass on its own within a few weeks or months. If your kitten starts to feel more comfortable on its own.

So, if your kitten is following around an older cat and staring at it with wide-eyed wonder, don’t worry. It’s not just an obsession! It’s actually just trying to learn more about the world around it.

Kitten And Older Cat Playing or Fighting

When your kitten and older cat are playing, they may sometimes start to fight. This can be scary if you’re not sure what’s going on.

Kittens and older cats may play or fight, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Play fighting helps cats learn how to react in stressful situations. It’s also a way for them to bond with each other.

Many people fear that their kitten will hurt their older cat or vice versa. However, in reality, a lot of fighting between kittens and cats is actually playful and just part of the normal development process.

Kittens and cats fight because they’re trying to show dominance over each other, establish territory and work out who should be leader or boss.

This is normal behavior for kittens and cats in the wild as well as domesticated pets in homes. The only difference is that you can intervene when your kitten or cat starts fighting.

This is to make sure it doesn’t escalate too far.

How to stop fighting between kittens and older cats?

If your kitten or cat starts fighting, try simply walking towards them with a loud voice “no” is often enough.

If this doesn’t work, try picking them up (if they allow) or separating them by putting one into another room temporarily.

You might also want to provide more hiding places for your kitten. Places like cardboard boxes, so she feels safe enough to calm down without being attacked by your older cat.

How Do I Get My Kitten to Leave My Cat Alone?

The best way to get your kitten leave your cat alone is to try to keep her busy with other toys and games so that it does not bother your cat.

  • The first thing that you will want to do is make sure that there is no way for them to get into contact with each other without any interference from you.
  • If there is something separating them, such as a baby gate or screen door, then put it up so that they can’t accidentally bump into each other when you aren’t around.
  • Make sure that both cats have separate spaces that they can go into when they want privacy from one another.
  • Put each cat’s bed or favorite spot somewhere where they won’t be bothered by another cat wanting attention while they are trying to sleep or relax.
  • Just remember to make sure that your kitten has plenty of things to play with so that he doesn’t get bored and start bothering your cat more than usual.

If he’s bored, he’ll be more likely to bother your cat because he wants attention.

Older Cat Playing with Kitten

Your older cat may be playing with the kitten because she’s showing her affection for him. Or she may be doing it because she wants to show him how to play.

Kittens are usually more playful than adult cats, so your older cat may be curious about what the kitten is doing and want to join in on the fun. She might also just really like kittens!

It’s always a good idea to keep an eye out when they’re playing.

So, make sure you have a safe environment available for them to do their exploring without hurting themselves or others like humans and other pets.

Another reason older cats enjoy playing with kittens is because they just like playing! Cats are natural hunters, which means that they have a lot of energy and need an outlet for that energy.

Playing with a kitten provides them with an opportunity to expend some of their excess energy in a positive way.

Do Younger Cats Respect Older Cats?

Yes, they do. Although authority in animals depends on dominance and superiority in their territory.

Do Younger Cats Respect Older Cats?

The relationships between your pets depend on the personalities of each individual cat and how they were raised by their previous owners.

A younger cat might respect an older cat who has more life experience under her belt and knows her way around a home better than your kitten does.

So, while there’s no guarantee that your young cat will respect an older one, it’s important to remember that every cat is an individual with its own personality traits. And there are plenty of factors at play when these two meet.

Als read: Do Mother Cats Kill Their Kittens?

Older Cat Follows Kitten Everywhere

This behavior isn’t new, older cats will mostly follow kittens around. Especially mother cats, because they want to ensure that their kittens are safe from any potential threats.

The older cat is usually the most experienced hunter, so they know better than anyone what kind of dangers might be lurking in the home.

They also know that their kitten doesn’t yet have the skills necessary to avoid these dangers or deal with them if they see one.

Older cats are often very protective of their kittens, so they might follow them everywhere they go. This is especially true when the kitten is still very young and has a lot of energy.

Kittens need to play and explore as much as possible, but an older cat might want to keep them inside for safety reasons.

How Long Will It Take for My Cat to Accept a New Kitten?

It’s hard to say exactly how long it will take for your cat to accept a new kitten into your home. Every cat is different, and every situation is different. But there are some things you can do to help your cat adjust more quickly.

It can take days, weeks, months or even a year for your cat to accept the new kitten. All this depends on how often they interact. Age can depend too.

That being said, here are some tips for making sure you’ve got a smooth transition:

  • Make sure everyone is healthy! Before bringing home your new bundle of joy, make sure he or she has had all their shots and is up to date on any medical needs (like flea treatments). This will help keep both kitties safe while they get used to each other’s scent.
  • First, what kind of kitten are you getting? If it’s a young kitten, less than six months old. The likelihood is much higher that your cat will accept it right away; if it’s an adult cat (older than six months), then there’s a better chance for some initial hostility.

Can I Leave My Kitten Alone with My Cat?

Kittens are very curious and playful. They like to explore everything around them, and this can be dangerous if they are left alone with other pets.

If you have a kitten, it is better to keep it separate from other cats or dogs until it is at least 8 weeks old.

Do not leave your kitten with your cat especially if that cat isn’t the mother cat. The main reason why you should not leave your kitten alone with another pet is because they will get injured while playing or vice versa.

Kittens have sharp claws and teeth which can hurt adult animals and humans too. The best way to prevent this from happening is to keep your kitten away from other animals or children until it reaches a certain age.

It’s best to keep kittens away from adult cats because adult cats may not like them as much as kittens do.

If an adult cat does not like another kitten, he or she may harm it by either scratching or biting it.

Read also: Why My Cat Had Kittens but Still Looks Pregnant

When To Leave New Cat Alone with Resident Cat

First of all, there are a few things to consider: what age is your new cat? How does he or she get along with other animals?

Does he or she have any health issues that might affect his or her reaction to being left alone with another animal?

These are important questions to ask yourself before making any decisions about whether it’s safe for your new kitten to be left alone with your resident cat.

You can leave your new cat with resident cat as soon as they start getting along and stop seeing each other as threats.

If you’re concerned about how your resident cat will react to having a stranger in his or her space, there are ways to help ease the transition.

If you can, bring both cats into the same room at the same time and give them time to get used to each other’s scents before leaving them alone together.

This way they can learn what each other smells like before getting too close!

Then, as you gradually introduce them to one another, ideally somewhere neutral. Do so when both cats are relaxed and happy with their surroundings.

Don’t force them together, this will only make things more stressful for everyone involved. If things get tense between them, just remove each individual cat from the situation until they’ve calmed down again and try again later!


Whenever a kitten comes into the home it’s important to understand how they are going to interact not only with you, but also with your older cat.

As mentioned earlier, kittens physically like to play fight and can definitely get too rough for your adult cat.

It’s quite possible that the more mature cat could decide they no longer want to be included in those games.

Of course, most adults want to play, it’s just that some older cats have physical limitations when it comes to being able to chase around a kitten or a puppy.

No matter how much they may want to. Kittens tend to make many more demands on their owners as well.

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