Cat Keeps Stepping in Poop [How To Avoid Poopy Paws]

Have you ever wondered why your cat keeps stepping in poop, and whether it’s possible to stop her from doing so?

Reasons why your cat keeps stepping in his poop include he may not know to bury his poop and could just not notice that he is stepping in it, he may not like the location of the litter box, he may be intimidated or threatened by the other cat in the house.

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Cat poop is covered in bacteria. Some cats can accidentally keep stepping in their own poop, which can spread these bacteria to other areas. So, the following are the reasons why your cat is always stepping in his poop after doing his business.

cleaning cat poop

Read also: My Cat’s Vomit Smells Like Poop (Intestinal Blockages In Cats)

Reasons Your cat keeps stepping in feces

1. Kitten Doesn’t Know How to Bury Poop

Your kitten may not know how to bury his poop and may be accidentally stepping in it. If that’s the case, you’ll need to teach your cat to bury his poop after doing his business. Use his paw to bury the poop and rewarding him with a treat after that.

Do it a few more times and keep an eye on his behavior a few times after teaching him. It might need some patience on your part but finally he will learn and pay off in the long run.

2. Cat Doesn’t Like Litter Box Location

Your cat might not be comfortable with the location of the litter box.  Another possible reason for poopy paws is that your cat doesn’t like the location of the litter box. If the litter box is placed in a noisy area or an area that could frighten him, he could be doing his business to quickly to try and flee.

That can cause him not to do his business neatly and finally step in in his own poop. Avoid places that have noisy appliance such as washing machine or bathroom. Some cats are also afraid of the basements. Try putting the litter in a well-lit quiet spot. (Not something like a passage where every other member or pet passes).

3. Cat is marking its territory

Territorial Reasons. If your cat feels threatened or intimidated by other cats in your household (that’s if you have more than 1 cat,) he maybe purposely stepping on poop to spread it and ‘mark’ his territory.

Your cat might be using this tactic to communicate to other cats that he is the boss. Cats are sensitive when it comes to smells and when they smell other cats’ poop, they can tell that the territory belongs to that particular cat.

If you believe your cat is doing it for territorial instincts, there are still some technics you can use to make them feel that they are all equal. But that’s hard to say what methods or ways you can use you can use as these depend entirely on the personality of cats you have.

4. Litterbox is too small

The litter box might be too small, and your cat does not notice he is stepping in his poop. If the litter box is small, try getting a good sized one. That said, if a cat realizes he stepped in poop unknowingly, he may try to lick it off his paw. It will be helpful though to keep an eye on your cat to ensure that he doesn’t ingest the clumped litter on his paws. While a little bit of litter won’t kill him, ingesting none of it is even better.

How Do You Stop Your Cat from Stepping in Poop?

Make sure that there are enough litter boxes available for all of your cats about 1 box per cat, that’s if you have multiple cats.

If there aren’t enough boxes, your cats may choose to use the same one over and over again without cleaning up after themselves.

This creates an unpleasant smell that will encourage other cats to do the same thing. Because cats love to compete for territory.

Make sure that there’s plenty of litter in each box so that it doesn’t get too full before you have time to clean it out again, about 1 inch deep.

If there isn’t enough litter, your cat may decide not to use it at all and instead go outside where there is more room for their feet.

Cat Keeps Getting Poop Stuck on Fur

There are several reasons why your cat might have poop stuck on its fur:

The litter box isn’t cleaned regularly enough, if you don’t clean your cat’s litter box regularly or if you leave old feces in there this can cause your cat to have feces stuck on its fur since cats at  times can roll around in their litter boxes when they feel comfortable enough doing so.

cats have so much fur that they’re basically like walking mattresses for airborne poop particles. The more fur they have, the more likely it is that there will be poop on them.

So, what can you do? The best thing is to just keep brushing your cat regularly. If possible, you can also trim your cat’s fur.

Another reason could be that your cat is not grooming itself enough. If you notice that your cat has been pooping on the floor more than usual but not leaving hairballs behind, this could be why. A cat will generally groom itself after it poops so that it can get rid of excess fur and clean itself off.

So, if this isn’t happening for some reason (maybe because the litter box is full or dirty), then the fur can build up until it becomes matted with poop.

How To Get Rid of Poop on Cat’s Fur?

The best way to clean poop off of a cat’s fur is to use a wet washcloth.

You should also wear gloves if you think your hands may be contaminated with fecal matter or other contaminants.

Then, gather your materials:

  • Wet washcloth
  • Rubber gloves (if you’re allergic) or latex surgical gloves (if you’re not allergic)
  • Antibacterial hand sanitizer (optional)
  • Another pair of clean dry gloves (optional)
  • A towel for drying off the cat

You need to get some shampoo and a towel. If your cat has long hair, you’ll also want to get a pair of scissors or clippers for trimming excess fur.

lather up its fur with shampoo and scrub gently until all the poop has been removed from its fur. It may take a few minutes for it to rinse out completely.

Just keep scrubbing until all the soap is gone. After that, simply towel-dry your cat (or use a blow dryer if it’s short-haired) and give them a treat!

When you’re done getting the poop out of your cat’s fur. You’ll need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use antibacterial hand sanitizer if you don’t have access to soap and water.

Kitten Steps in Poop When Trying to Bury It

When a kitten is trying to bury her poop she  might accidentally step in it. Kittens are not the most graceful creatures and often when they try to bury their poop, they end up stepping on it.

This is because they are still young to bury their poop the right way. When a kitten first starts using its litter box, it may not yet have developed all of these abilities.

So, when you see your kitten stepping in its own poop or worse, trying to cover it up with more poo. Don’t be surprised, this is just part of your kitten’s development process and doesn’t mean that he or she doesn’t know what they’re doing.

Kittens are just like toddlers. They’re constantly learning and growing, and they’re not always good at it.

If your kitten is trying to bury its poop, it’s because it wants to hide it from other animals and avoid attracting attention to itself.

So, when your kitten tries to cover up its waste with dirt or sand, there’s always a chance that something will go wrong.

How Do I Stop My Kitten from Stepping in Poop?

Here are some of the most important things to know about helping your kitten stay clean and get past this unfortunate stage.

Make sure that the litter box is clean and that there is enough litter. If there is not enough litter, your kitten may just step in the remaining urine and feces that were not cleaned up.

This can make them think that stepping in it is normal behavior and start doing it more often.

you’ll also want to make sure that you’re using a litter box that your cat can easily reach into and out of.

You should also make sure that you’re using clumping cat litter, this kind is great because it makes it easier for you to scoop out any messes that your cat has made.

If you try to potty train your kitten and stop it from stepping in poop, you need to be patient; This is one of those things that can take time, so don’t get frustrated if it doesn’t happen right away.

Kittens are learning all the time, so give them time to learn this new skill and reward their hard work with praise and treats.

You can also use positive reinforcement; Kittens respond well to praise and treats, so use these rewards whenever possible when you see them taking steps toward being potty trained.

You must also make sure they have enough space; If your kitten is going to potty outside its litter box or toilet, then you may need more space for them to roam around in. Make sure there’s enough room for them to move around without stepping on any messes!

When Will Kitten Stop Stepping in Poop?

Kittens are curious and playful, but they also like to be clean. They’ll step in their own poop every once in a while, but they won’t do it repeatedly.

In general, kittens stop stepping in it around 3 months of age. However, some kittens will continue to step in their poop until they’re 6 months old or more.

Kittens are curious little creatures who want to explore every inch of their environment, even if that includes getting a little dirty.

Unfortunately, your kitten’s nose is one of the first things she uses to explore her surroundings so she might accidentally step in her own waste when she’s checking out her world.

As much as cats like to explore the world around them. Unfortunately, that often means they’ll step in the poop once, twice or even more.

It’s a good idea to clean up after your kitten as soon as possible so she doesn’t get too familiar with that smell and texture.

How To Clean Poop Off Kitten Paws?

The best way to clean poop off a kitten’s paws is with a soft cloth and warm water. You can also use a baby wipe if you’re in a pinch.

You should prefer the cloth method because it’s more hygienic and won’t leave behind any nasty chemicals.

First, dampen the cloth with warm water and gently rub it against your kitten’s paws. Be sure to get under their nails, as well as between their toes.

If your kitten has particularly sensitive skin, its recommended to use an antibacterial soap instead of just plain water. But you should always follow up with another damp cloth for thorough cleaning.

Once you’ve gotten as much of the poop off as possible with the washcloth, use your soft brush to gently scrub off any remaining residue.

More tips on cleaning poop off kitten paws

  • Then, hold the kitten in one hand and use the other to gently wipe away any poop from its paws with a soft cloth or paper towel. If there is more than one kitten, make sure you clean their paws one at a time to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Rinse out the towel/cloth in warm water if it becomes soiled (make sure not to leave any residue on the kittens’ fur) and repeat until all of the mess has been removed from their paws.
  • After you have removed the mess from your kittens’ paws. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.

Will Cats Lick Poop Off Themselves?

Yes, cats will lick their own poop off themselves. And if you’ve ever had a cat, you know this is something they do all the time!

Cats have a special enzyme in their saliva that helps them digest food. When they use their tongues to clean themselves, they’re also licking up any leftover food on their fur and skin.

So, while it may seem gross to us humans, it’s actually very normal for our feline friends.

Not only will cats lick their own poop off of themselves, but they will also sometimes use their paws to do so.   

The reason your cat licks itself after pooping is because it’s trying to clean itself up. While this may seem like an unsanitary behavior.

Its actually a normal part of cat hygiene.

Why Does My Cat Poop on The Floor Once in A While?

Cats are highly intelligent animals. They have a strong sense of smell and can recognize their owner’s scent, as well as other scents they’re familiar with.

If you’ve recently changed your diet or introduced a new pet into the house, this could be what’s causing your cat to use the restroom in an unexpected place.

How To Get New Cat to Use Litter Box?

If you suspect that something has changed in your home, try to figure out what’s going on. Is your cat stressed out?

Is there a new arrival who may be stressing him out? Have you been using a different shampoo or perfume lately that might be giving your cat insecurities?

It’s important to try to find the root cause of this behavior so that you can determine how best to help your cat adjust and feel more at ease in his environment.

Do Cats Poop on Floor When Mad?

Yes, cats can poop on the floor when they’re mad.

If you notice your cat pooping outside of its litter box, it may be because they are trying to tell you something. It could be that they have a health problem or that the litter box is too dirty.

If you think your cat is trying to send you a message, try showing them affection to see if they will respond by going back into their litter box.

Cat Keeps Stepping in Pee

Your cat is probably stepping in pee because he’s marking his territory. Cats are territorial creatures, and they use their urine as a way to mark their territory.

The most common reasons for this behavior include:

  • A new cat has moved into the neighborhood.
  • New pet has moved into the house.
  • A new person has moved into the house.

Cats are naturally clean animals, and they want to keep things that smell like them, like their litter boxes clean.

If a cat gets used to stepping in her pee and then smells it on her paws, she’ll think that the litter box is dirty and will avoid it altogether.

But if you find yourself with a cat who keeps stepping in her own urine, there are some things you can try that could curb this behavior:

If you’re unsure whether this behavior is normal for your cat, ask yourself:

Does your cat always step in pee? If not, then it might be a new behavior that you should watch out for.

Does your cat only step in his own urine? If so, then it’s possible he’s marking territory. This could be an indication of stress or anxiety about something in his environment.

Like a new baby or a new pet or just that something has changed recently, and he feels the need to mark his territory more aggressively than usual.

Does your cat step in other animals’ urine? If so, then this could indicate mating behavior (though it’s unlikely since most cats don’t mate outdoors).

It may also mean that he wants to mark himself as part of a group, perhaps another cat has been spraying around the house recently and he wants to show everyone who’s boss!

Cat Steps in Wet Litter

One of the most common issues cat parents encounter is their cat stepping in wet litter.

This can be an especially distressing problem for people who are trying to train their kitty to use the toilet, as stepping in wet litter can make the process much more difficult.

The best way to solve this problem is to try and avoid it from happening in the first place. If you have multiple cats. Make sure that each one has their own box (or boxes). So, they won’t be stepping on each other’s waste.

You should also consider using clumping litter so that urine doesn’t soak into the bottom of the box. You can also try using non-clumping litter, but make sure you change out all of your litter at least once a month.

Other Ways to Ensure a Safe Litter Box for Your Cat
  • Clean the litter box at least once a day.
  • Keep the litter box in an area that is easy to reach.
  • Move your cat’s litter box to a quiet, low-traffic area of your house.
  • Use a liner in the bottom of your cat’s litter box to make cleanup easier.
  • Use litter made from natural materials such as wood chips or straw instead of clay or silica crystals because it does not stick to your cat’s paws and track through your house.


As we have seen in this article, there could be a few reasons why your cat keeps stepping in poop.

They can range from simply marking their territory or simply because they are accidently stepping in their waste.

Other reasons could be that the litter box is probably not clean enough if he kept stepping in poop.

You can first try getting rid of the waste in the litter box before replacing it with new litter.

Whatever the reasons are for that behavior, it would still pay off to teach your kitten or cat to properly use the litter box without getting themselves into the mess.

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