How to Deal with Cat Peeing on Stove
Have you ever asked why is my cat peeing on stove? Is my cat peeing on stove because of another health issue? Do you feel very bad and frustrated every time your cat pees on stove?
Well, finding out why is the most important step toward resolving this behavior.
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It could also be that your cat does not like the litter box anymore due to some reason. It could also be that your cat is stressed or being bothered by something.
Also see My Cat’s Urine Is Foamy (What Causes Foamy Cat Pee?)
Why is My Cat Peeing on Stove?
If your cat is peeing on stove, it could be a sign of any anything from a medical condition to litter issues. She may be trying to get your attention that something is wrong. A lot of times, it turns out, it’s a medical issue.

So, when you notice your cat starts peeing on the stove, you may want to consider taking her to the vet.
Another reason why your cat may be peeing on the stove instead of the litterbox could be that she could be associating the litter box with pain. Illnesses such as UTIs can cause pain when peeing which could deter your cat from using the litterbox.
Another reason for that behavior by your cat is the litter. Try changing the litter to something different. Maybe the wheat or paper ones.
The location of your litterbox also matters. Don’t place the litter boxes in noisy places that could scare away your cat.
Avoid placing the litter boxes in places such at the washing machine or ice maker. Besides, they should not be too close together, if possible, place litter boxes in different rooms.
Is your house a multi cat household? If there are other cats in your home and a cat is consistently seeking a high spot to relieve itself, it could be doing it out of fear.
There could be some bullying and territorial behavior around the litter boxes and the only place that could feel safe for your cat is the stove.
Cats mark their territory with urine so the most fearful cat might be afraid to use the litter box with scent of other cat’s urine.
If that is the case, you might want to put an extra litterbox on the shelf of same height as the stove but not in the kitchen.
Why Is My Cat Peeing on Kitchen Counters?
If your cat has suddenly started peeing on the kitchen counter, it could be a sign that she is suffering from a medical condition such urinary tract infections, cystitis, or bladder stones. They can prevent her from using the litter box as she could be associating using the litter box with pain.

One way to determine if your cat has a UTI or cystitis is by taking them to their veterinarian for an examination and test results (urine culture).
Another possible reason for your cats peeing in the kitchen or anywhere outside the litter box is that she could be doing it to get attention. That’s true especially if there a pain or medical conditioner bothering her.
Sometimes, even a dental problem could be the problem this behavior. That seems unlikely but you’ll be surprised that your vet knows it better)
The best thing to do is take her to the vet. The vet should do the necessary test on her to rule out health issues
Your cat could also be peeing in areas she is not supposed to if you have more than one cat. She it may just be marking her territory.
When it comes to urine marking, there are several reasons why your cat might engage in this behavior:
1. To mark territory
Most cats do not like having their territory invaded by another animal or person. If you have more than one cat, they may be marking their territory so that other cats know who belongs to what space.
2. To communicate their moods and intentions.
Cats use urine marking as a way of marking their territory and communicating with other cats in the home and outside of it. Urine marking is also known as scent-marking because cats leave behind pheromones in their urine to communicate with other cats.
This can also be the case if you recently moved into a new house, have recently adopted another pet, or if there has been a change in your family’s schedule.
If you suspect that your cat is marking its territory due to stress, try these tips:
Make sure that your cat has plenty of toys and things to play with (like an interactive laser pointer) so that it can exercise its natural instincts to chase and hunt.
Make sure there are plenty of places for your cat to hide around the house (a cardboard box turned upside down makes a great hiding place!) so that it feels safe when other pets or people are around.
see als: New Cat Hasn’t Used Litter Box Yet: When to Be Concerned!
What to do If Your Cat Peed on Gas Stove
Clean up as quickly as possible after an incident. The longer urine sits on a surface, especially if it is left in a warm environment, the more likely it is that bacteria will grow in it and cause health issues for you and your family.
If your cat is constantly peeing on the gas stove, make sure there’s nothing else in the kitchen that smells like pee!
Cats are very territorial animals, so if they smell an unfamiliar scent in their territory (like another animal’s urine), they might mark it as their own, and that can include the stove.
Wash down any surfaces near where they like to urinate frequently with an enzymatic cleaner. Cleaners such as Nature’s Miracle Stain & Odor Remover (available at most pet stores) or similar product.
If you think your cat is doing it because of stress or anxiety, try placing a scratching post near the stove area so she has something else to scratch.
If you think it’s because she’s marking her territory, maybe try putting her litter box closer to this area or spraying some kind of odor neutralizer there so she doesn’t feel like it’s hers anymore.
Tips On How to Clean Cat Urine from Stove
If your stove top smells like cat pee, don’t worry! There are a few things you can do to make it go away.
- Try cleaning the stove top with vinegar and water. If that doesn’t work, try cleaning it with baking soda or lemon juice and vinegar.
- If that doesn’t work, try using a small amount of dish soap and hot water. You can also use baking soda as an abrasive scrubbing agent.
- You can also apply some baking soda to the stove top and let it sit overnight. This will absorb any remaining odors from deep within the surface of your stove top and leave it smelling fresh when you wake up in the morning!
- Another new trick is using a non-flavored meat tenderizer. Mix is with some water in a small bottle. Then, using a piece of cloth wipe round the area where your cat peed. This will eliminate even that scent that our nose can’t detect.
- Always take safety precautions when your handling electric appliances. Make sure there are no naked wires while you clean your stove.
How Do I Stop My Cat from Going on The Stove?

The best way to stop a cat from going on the stove is to keep them away from it, which means keeping it off limits. This can be done by using a barrier or by covering it up with something that the cat can’t get through, like a piece of cardboard.
You can also try spraying some kind of perfume or citrus scent on the stove, but only after making sure that it’s not something toxic or harmful for your cat.
Another trick to stop your cat from going on the stove is to use the unflavored meat tenderizer. Dissolve it in a spray bottle and spray it wherever you don’t want your cat to reach. Meat tenderizer is protein solvent, and it will break down the stinky molecules from that cat pee where it has marked with urine as its territory.
Try placing aluminum foil or a slippery mat on the stove to make it less appealing. You could also put some peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place it near the stove to discourage your cat from jumping up there.
What Should I Do if My Stove Top Smells Like Cat Pee?
If you stove smells like cat pee, you’ll can easily get rid of the smell.
The best way to get rid of cat urine smell on top of stove is to clean it with vinegar and water. Vinegar breaks down the enzymes in the urine, so the smell will be gone.
Clean the stove top with a sponge or cloth dipped into a solution of 1 part vinegar and 3 parts waters. If there is any residue left from the urine, you can use steel wool to scrub it away.
Do Cats Pee on Things Out of Spite?
No, they don’t pee on things out of spite.
Cats’ urine is a way for them to mark their territory and tell other cats that they’re there. They also use their urine to communicate with other members of the same species. Males will spray over female cats’ tails as part of their mating ritual.
Cats also tend to target objects that smell like other cats or even people who were recently near them. This is because they want to keep other animals or people away from their territory. They want it all for themselves!
Read also: Do Cats Need Access to Litter Box at Night?
Why Does My Cat Pee in My Toaster?
Cat peeing in a toaster is usually the result of this curiosity. Cats will sometimes pee on things they don’t recognize because they’re not sure what it is or how it works. And they want to investigate it further.
It’s normal for cats to want to mark their territory. A new appliance is an obvious sign of change in their environment. They’re marking their territory by peeing on what they see as a new addition (or threat) in their home.
This is especially common when you’ve just brought home a new cat, or if you have a kitten who hasn’t yet learned about boundaries.
The good news is that this behavior can be corrected with patience and consistency. To help your cat learn what’s okay and what isn’t okay.
It’s important to provide positive reinforcement whenever possible. Praise them when they do something good (like using their litter box). But also give them time-outs when needed for inappropriate behaviors like urinating outside the litter box or chewing on furniture.
In summary if you have a cat that is peeing on the stove, it could be for a few reasons that you need to figure out as soon as possible.
Among the reasons, most common ones include health or territorial reasons. Territorial reasons include (litter box problems if you have more than one cat).
It will still be best to carry your cat to the to the vet rule out any health issues.
That said, we hope that this article has provided you with the necessary tips that you needed. Thanks for reading.
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