How To Keep Your Cat from Going Upstairs

Cats may be adorable and lovable, but that doesn’t mean everyone wants them around. If you have a cat and you have your own reasons why you don’t want your cat to go upstairs. But how can you stop your feline friend from going upstairs?

The most effect way of stopping your cat from going up stairs is to make it associate going up stairs with something unpleasant. This can be anything from using cat deterrent sprays, putting aluminum foils on the staircase or simply dumping some water on her when she tries to go upstairs.

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how to keep cat from going anywhere

Cats love to climb onto high places and you know that they’re really good at finding their way into places where they aren’t supposed to be.

Whether it’s the kitchen counter or your bedroom closet. There’s always something that catches their attention and makes them want to explore. But there is always something we can do to prevent them from going where they are not supposed to be.

5 Easy Ways to Stop Cat from Going Up Stairs

There are a few ways to keep your cat from going up stairs, but most are not permanent solutions. If you want to keep your cat from going upstairs, it’s best to use a combination of these methods to keep her safe and out of harm’s way. Let’s find out.

  1. Baby gates at the top of a staircase. This is a great way to keep curious cats from getting into trouble when you’re not home. Place it at the top of the stairs so your cat can’t climb over it and sneak upstairs while you’re not watching him.

However, some cats may be able to jump over these gates if they’re not tall enough. So, make sure that if you choose this method, pick an appropriate baby gate that will keep them from jumping over it.

  • You can also spray some cat repellent on the staircase. This is a non-toxic way to make the stairs less appealing for your cat. This smell from the repellent will be unpleasant for your cat, so he won’t want to go up there anymore.
  • Put double sided tape on the stairs. If you don’t want to use a baby gate, this is another option that works well too! Cats don’t like sticky things, so putting double sided tape on the stairway may make them think twice about climbing them again!
  •  Put aluminum foil on the stairs . Cats hate this stuff because it sticks in their paws, and they don’t like it when they try to clean themselves off! This is also an effective deterrent for other animals such as dogs too!
  • Make the cat associate going upstairs with something unpleasant (such as dumping water on your cat when he goes upstairs.

Also read: Cat Cries When Locked Out Of Bedroom [All You Should Know]

Why Does My Cat Like to Go Upstairs?

  1. Because cats love it when they can see anything around them: Cats enjoy having a good vantage point so they can survey their surroundings and make sure nothing is amiss (or about to pounce). Staircases are great for this because there are usually handrails on both sides so your cat can look down at whatever happens below him from his perch on high
  2. Cats love heights! They tend to like high places because it gives them an advantage over any predators out there. If you keep your windows closed all day long, your cat may want to go up there just to see what’s happening outside on the street.
  3. Another reason your cat might be sneaking upstairs is to escape from something scary or stressful that happened in another room. If you have a new baby in the house, your cat may be going upstairs because he heard the baby crying and wants a place where he can hide and feel safe.

Cats also like to go up into higher places because it means they can get away from people and other animals who might bother them.

If you have a cat that frequently hides when you come into the room, it might be because she wants some space and privacy.

Sometimes cats will go upstairs for adventure. Simply because they want to explore that part of the house.

How To Keep Cat Out of Room?

There are a few ways to keep your cat out of your room, depending on how determined they are.

First, make sure that there is no reason for them to be in your room. If you’ve been leaving food in there or keeping a cat bed or toys there, then you may want to move those things to another part of the house.

This can be done by using a cat carrier (if necessary) and placing it somewhere else.

You can also try spraying some citrus-scented cleaner around the door frame so that it smells unpleasant to your cat. You can also try putting up a gate or curtain in front of the door if you don’t want to use chemicals.

If you don’t want your cat in a room, keep the room’s door closed and make sure there are no holes in the wall. Cats can get through any hole they can fit their head through, so make sure to check that the walls are solid before going to bed.

How To Contain a Cat in A Room?

Make sure there is plenty of food and water available in the room. This will give your cat something to look forward to when they get bored or want to go exploring.

Also make sure to fill up the room with a lot of toys that will entertain your cat and keep it busy. This will distract your cat from even thinking about leaving the room.

It’s also better to invest in some good quality catnip spray so they can have fun playing with something from time-to-time without destroying things in their path!

You will also need to put the litter box in the room. This will make your cat feel more territorial over the room in which you wish to contain her.

If possible, get a scratching post for each cat so they don’t start scratching up furniture instead (you can find these at most pet stores).

How To Keep Cat Away from Bed?

If you have a cat, you’ve probably noticed that they love to sleep on your bed. If you share your bed with a partner, this can be problematic. The first step to keeping the cat away from your bed is to make sure they have their own beds and blankets. Cats love blankets, so it’s important that they have enough space to sleep in comfort.

Close all doors that lead into your room when you aren’t home. If you have an extra door that leads into your bedroom (like a closet), close it off when you’re not home so that cats can’t sneak in when you aren’t around to chase them away!

You can also try putting plastic wrap or aluminum foil over their favorite sleeping areas on your bed. If possible, you can also use cat repellents.

There are a lot of cat repellents you can spray on your bedcovers and are totally safe for you. But always ensure to seek advice from a professional if you’re having doubts.

How To Keep Cats Away from Small Pets?

You love your cat, but you also love your small pets. The problem is, cats don’t always see it that way, and they can sometimes be a little overzealous when it comes to protecting their turf.

Luckily, there are some simple ways to keep cats away from small pets so that everyone can live in harmony.

  • Make sure all animals have their own food, water, and litter box areas.
  • Keep all small pets in one room or area of the house that is off-limits to other animals, including humans! This will prevent them from being chased by your cat while they’re sleeping or eating.
  • Stop petting your cat when he’s trying to attack your small pet or another animal (like a dog). Your attention rewards him for his behavior, which makes him want to do it more often!
  • Also make sure your cat has plenty of toys, so they don’t want to eat your other pets’ toys.

If the cat is only chasing your small pet around the house and not actually hurting it, you can try putting up a wire screen door between the two rooms where they are both kept.

The screen should be high enough that your large pet can’t jump over it, but low enough that your little one can’t crawl under it. This will keep them apart and give each animal their own space.

Read also: How To Stop Cat from Climbing on TV?

 Cat Barrier For Doorway: Are They Safe for Cat?

cat locked out of bedroom

Cat barriers are safe for cats. They are designed to keep your cat from getting into areas of your home that it shouldn’t be in.

If you have a dog, you may have seen them use a gate to keep the dog out of certain areas of the house. Cat barriers work in much the same way and you can use to keep your cat out of specific rooms, such as a bathroom or laundry room.

These barriers are made from wood or plastic and come in a variety of sizes depending on where you want to place them.

Then, you’ll want to put the barrier on either side of your doorway, depending on how wide it is.

How to Set Up Cat Barrier for Doorway
  1. Measure the width of your doorway; You can do this with a measuring tape or by using the measuring grid on the back of the packaging.
  2. You will also have to mark where you want your holes for attaching the barrier. Use a pencil and ruler to do this!
  3. Once all of your marks are done, use an electric drill to make holes where you marked them. Make sure you drill them deep enough so that when you put screws in them, they go all the way through!
  4. Cut the plastic sheeting to size and cut out holes for the door handles and hinges.
  5. Attach the plastic sheeting to one side of the door frame, using small pieces of tape or staples.
  6. Repeat on the other side of the door frame.
  7. Attach Velcro strips to each end of the cat barrier, so it can be attached across the top of your doorway.

How to Choose a Cat Proof Room Divider

There are many different types of cat proof room dividers available that you can choose from. Some are made with a mesh fabric while others are made with wood and/or plastic.

When choosing a cat proof room divider, it is important to take into consideration what type of material your cat is most likely to chew on and/or scratch.

If your cat likes rubbing against things, then a mesh may be best for you. However, if your cat tends to chew on things more than they rub against them, then a wood or plastic option may be better suited for your needs.

A good way to get started when looking into these types of products would be visiting your local pet store.

Once there, you can look through all of their available options and then decide which one will work best for you and your feline friend(s).

Cat proof room dividers are great for keeping your cats out of certain areas of your home. They can be used to keep them out of rooms they aren’t allowed in. Or to keep them from getting into an area where they might hurt themselves.

Common Advantages for Cat Proof Room Divider
  • They have no sharp edges or corners that can scratch your pet
  • Each one is covered in a soft fabric that will protect it from damage caused by claws or teeth
  • They’re easy to move around so you can use them wherever they’re most effective
  • These stylish and sturdy room dividers will keep your feline friends out of trouble while still keeping them close by.


How Do I Keep My Cat Off My High Places?

It can be a pain to have your cat jump on top of things. It’s not just the mess that’s left behind, but also the fact that it’s dangerous for them to be up there.

One way to keep your cat off high places is with deterrents. For example, try spraying bitter apple on shelves and cabinets so they don’t want to go near them anymore.

How To Cat Proof Stairs on Your Own

You can put double sided tape on the bottom step of each stairway as an extra deterrent against cats who like to climb stairs but might not be strong enough to jump over gates or walls.

Make sure that whatever surface you’re putting down double sided tape on has been cleaned first. This ensures that there isn’t any residue left behind after removing the tape later on down the road!

You can also use sticky strips to stop them from going up the stairs when they’re trying to get somewhere else.


The most important thing to remember when trying to keep your cat from going upstairs is to make it as unappealing to them as possible.

The less motivation they have to go up there, the less likely they will be able to. That means blocking off doors and holes with furniture, baby gates or wire grills.

I hope this guide have been helpful, thanks for reading.

Cat confinement

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