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Why Is My Cat Hanging Out in The Bathroom?

There are many things you can do to prevent your cat from hanging out in the bathroom. There are also many things you can do to create the optimal bathroom for your cat.

Your instincts may tell you that if your cat is clawing at the bathroom door and jumping up and down, you need to get rid of them. But before you make any hasty decisions there are a few things to keep in mind.

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Cats can be funny. And cats can be silly. And if you have a cat, you probably know that they do some pretty weird things from time to time. One of the most common weird things that cats do is hang out in the bathroom.

Also read: New Cat Won’t Leave Room [Solutions]

Why Is My Cat Hanging Out in The Bathroom?

Cat Hanging Out in The Bathroom

Since cats are naturally curious, it’s not uncommon for them to investigate every nook and cranny of your home. This includes the bathroom. In fact, some felines are particularly fond of spending time in there.

If you’re wondering why your cat is hanging out in the bathroom, here are a few reasons why.

1.      Warmth

If you’re taking a nice hot shower or bath, the steam will heat up the bathroom, making it a cozy spot for your cat to relax. Bathrooms can be warm.

2.      Security

Whether you have a big or tiny house, the bathroom is likely one of the smallest rooms in your home.

This means it can be easier for cats to feel secure there because they can see what’s going on around them without having to work too hard.

Being able to see their surroundings while they relax might help them feel safe and comfortable, leading them to spend a lot of time in this cozy space.

3.      High Shelves

Even if it’s tiny, your bathroom probably still has a nice high shelf that your cat can use as a perch. This can provide her with two different benefits.

  • Firstly, she can climb up there to get away from other pets or even young children who might bother her at ground level.
  •  Secondly, she can also look down on everything else going on around her. Cats love to be above everything, else so they can survey their territory.

4. Quiet

The bathroom is usually one of the quietest rooms in the house, which cats enjoy. Your cat may also like to hide out here because it’s far away from loud noises, such as traffic or construction happening outside.

Quiet places that might remind your cat of the nest they once had with their mom and siblings.

Read: Why Does My Cat Sit in Front of The Heater?

Why Does My Cat Sit in The Shower After I Shower?

Cat Sitting  in The Shower After I Shower

The short answer is because it’s warm and comfortable. The longer answer is that cats are drawn to places where they can experience warmth, especially when they’re cold.

This is why many cats like to perch on top of computers, TVs and other electronics. They give off heat while they operate. It’s also why cats seek out places in the sun, such as windowsills.

Warmth has a unique effect on felines. Cats have a special gland below their tail that secretes pheromones, chemical signals animals use to communicate with each other.

When a cat rubs its head or body against you or an object, it’s likely depositing pheromones on it to mark it as safe or familiar.

However, the gland also reacts to heat, so when a cat gets warm from sunlight or from another source, such as the shower floor, it releases these pheromones onto its hair follicles.

The pheromones emitted by felines are calming and stress-reducing for them. As bizarre as this might seem to us humans, it makes sense for our feline friends.

If this behavior is bothersome to you, try closing the bathroom door when you’re not using it.

Why Does My Cat Guard Me When I Pee?

Cats are territorial creatures, so they’re inclined to guard things they believe they own.

You might think that, when it comes to cats, the things they guard are their food bowls and litter boxes. But actually, your cat is more likely to consider you, their family.

So, I know it sounds really weird, but believe it or not, cats can guard their owners when they pee for the same reasons that they guard their territory.

When you’re using the toilet, you’re marking your territory. Your cat is just checking in to make sure you’re okay!

You can tell them to back off for a minute by just gently pushing them out of the bathroom with your foot.

You might even want to close the door behind you, so they don’t get too excited about guarding you again later!

If they seem like they’re being more aggressive than usual, though, it might be a good idea to take them to the vet and make sure that there isn’t anything else going on.

Why Does My Cat Smell the Toilet After I Pee?

So, you’ve probably noticed that your cat smells your urine in the toilet after you pee. That’s weird, right?

Cats are very clean animals, and they have a strong sense of smell. In order to make sure all the parts of their body smell good, they will rub their scent glands on objects that they pass by.

That’s why they’ll rub against your legs or arms and smell them. They do this so they can get rid of any smells that aren’t coming from their own bodies.

The smell from other cats is called “kitty litter box” smell and is a very strong odor that you normally don’t get to smell because it comes from the litter box and isn’t a direct source like your cat’s body.

So, when your cat smells the toilet after you pee, it’s because she wants to make sure all parts of her body are clean and fresh, including the part where she just sat down to go to the bathroom!

Cats like to smell urine and feces. It’s a way of establishing territory and communicating through their own unique language. Since toilets are an obvious source of waste, your cat may be drawn to them.

Why Does My Cat Come in The Bathroom When I Poop?

cat sitting on a toilet

Your cat could have a number of reasons for lurking around the bathroom while you’re doing your thing. It’s even possible that your cat is trying to show you that they love you.

Here are some things to consider.

  1. Your cat might be curious about what you’re doing in there. Are you eating? Are you hiding a treat? They might just be wondering where their snack went!
  2. Your cat might have a bad habit of being present when anyone is using the bathroom. They may have learned this from their mother or previous owners, or they may just enjoy being there.

If this is the case, consider how much time they spend in there with you and then decide if it’s worth training them out of the habit.

If it’s not too distracting or annoying, then don’t worry about it! But if they get in the way of your meditation time or make cleaning up more difficult than it needs to be, then it might be time to teach them some boundaries.

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Cat Sleeps in Bathroom at Night

It’s difficult to discern anything from a sleeping location without knowing more about the cat, especially how long she has been in this location, her age and other aspects of her life.

One thing that stands out is that you are closing the door to the bathroom at night.

There may be a reason why she prefers to sleep there as opposed to with you or elsewhere in the house and closing the door on her may be contributing to her preference for this space.

Although it is not uncommon for cats to sleep in bathrooms or in laundry rooms, it may be time to work on transitioning her into another sleeping location.

First, consider if there are any changes that should be made in her life: Is she eating enough? Does she have water available? Is there an area for scratching and playing?

Does she have a litter box or two? If your cat is eating well and using her litter boxes regularly, these are good signs. If she is not eating well, then it may be time to see your veterinarian to ensure that she is doing well.

Sick Cat Sleeping in Bathtub

Your cat’s bathtub is a safe, secure and comfortable place to sleep. You may have noticed your cat sleeping in the tub when she is sick.

However, if your kitty is healthy, it may be simply because she likes the feel of a hard surface under her and the security of enclosed space around her.

There are some behavioral issues that can cause a cat to start seeking out a tub as its go to sleeping spot, so if you’re concerned about it, consult your vet or an animal behaviorist.

If she’s just acting normally and you don’t want to find wet cat hair in your bathtub every day, there are a few things you can try to get her to stop.

How to Stop Your Cat from Sleeping in The Bathtub

  • Make the problem area(s) unappealing to the cat by using a cotton ball soaked in orange or lemon essential oil, give it a few squirts of vinegar and sprinkle cayenne pepper in the area.
  • If the cat is sleeping in your bathtub, put down a few sheets of aluminum foil. The sound of the foil (crinkling) will probably scare the cat away from sleeping there.
  •  Make a spray bottle filled with water and some lemon juice or vinegar and keep it close by when you know your cat is likely to sleep in one of these places and give him a squirt if he tries to lie down there.
  • Spray some citrus scented air freshener in areas that are off-limits to cats. Cats dislike citrus scents so this will deter them from sleeping on your furniture and other such areas.

Read also Why Does My Cat Like Sleeping Under the Bed?

Why Does My Cat Cry in The Bathroom?

Cats are notorious for crying and carrying on. But why do they do it?

You probably thought it was because he didn’t like showering with you, or maybe some kind of weird bathroom phobia. But nope, that’s not it at all!

Some cats cry when they feel like they’ve been left alone too long, but some also cry when they’re around other people. Some kittens cry when you bathe them, and some even cry when you change their litter!

If your cat cries in the bathroom, it could be that he/she doesn’t like being closed in the room with you. It’s also possible that your cat heard the toilet flush and gets scared.

If that’s the case, try flashing the toilet before letting her into the bathroom.

But if you’re sure it’s not one of those reasons, then it might just be that your cat loves to sing along with you in the shower!

And while dogs are usually fearless when it comes to loud noises, cats are the exact opposite. The smallest noise is enough to send them running for the hills.

This isn’t because they’re scared necessarily though they may be, but because they don’t understand why something like that is happening and how to react to it.

So, just stop doing whatever that thing is and everything will be fine!

Conclusion On Why Your Cat Keeps Hanging Out in Your Bathroom

So why are kitties hanging out in the bathroom? Well, it depends on the cat. One of the first things to note is that felines of all stripes simply like to perch on high surfaces.

For example, there are cats out there that prefer to be on the counter, but not in the kitchen sink. Although some will do both.

Cats also seek privacy, in other words, they don’t like to be discovered by humans when doing their business.

They still want food and water at regular times and places, but during mealtimes and when they relieve themselves, they may choose to move through areas where there’s a lot of activity.

They’re less likely to be seen that way. But if your house is large enough and you have a litter box for each cat in the house, you may never have to see their waste or know that there was a poop in progress.




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